Biology and Art - December

This month’s contribution comes from Toshima Alexander, a first-year biology master’s student interested in watching anime, reading light novels, and exploring different cuisines.

<2 December – World Futures Day (anticipation)>
The thought that our individual decisions can change the world may seem like arrogance, but anticipation, commitment, and action can turn them into confidence and belief in ourselves. However, we often doubt our decisions and the paths we walk. That is why anticipation becomes essential. We must learn to guess our future and set goals, but these predictions require nonexistent information. Therefore, the best way to live in the future is to learn from the past. You can look into the lives of people who have already changed the world or even learn from anime, manga, or novels. How about “Dr. Stone,” “Cells at work,” or “Beautiful Bones – Sakurako’s Investigation”? Please read them! Anticipate your roadblocks and strive to reach your goals.

私たちは未来を予測し、目標を設定することを学ばねばなりません。ただしそのために必要なのは存在しえない未来の情報です。ではそんな不確定な未来を生きるための最も良い方法は何か、それは過去から学ぶことです。これまで世界を変えてきた人たちの生き方を調べても良いでしょうし、アニメや漫画、小説などから学ぶことも可能です。例を挙げれば『Dr. STONE』や『はたらく細胞』、あるいは『櫻子さんの足下には死体が埋まっている』などがお勧めです。ぜひ読んでみてください。あなたの行く手を阻むものを予測し、目標が達成できるよう進んで行きましょう!

Future lurks unseen,
Anticipate it and fight,
Make your future bright.


WORDS to learn this month are:
individual (個人), arrogance (傲慢), anticipation (期待), confidence (自信), doubt (疑念), nonexistent information (非実在情報)