Biology and Art - August 2024
This month’s contribution comes from a master’s student, Yoshimi Kim, who is studying the Taxonomy of Animals. Yoshimi loves to travel and is crazy about the UK’s culture.
12 August UNESCO – International Youth Day
University students have a wonderful life. We are young, have many friends, only a couple of thousands of yen, but we are not worried about the future. Even though we are getting older - that's biology, we overlook that. One day, when we meet our grandparents, they seem old, but no, that will never happen to us! We will never be like them, or will we...?
The rules are simple: 5-7-5, there is no seasonal reference word (a kigo), but your poem must relate to either biology or the topic of the month, and you are writing in English.
Therefore, Yoshimi’s haiku for this month is:
Boundless energy,
dreams like stars, they light the way—
tomorrow is ours.

WORDS to learn this month are:
to okoverlook something - 見落とす, [they/grandparents] look old - [祖父母は]老けて見える