Biology and Art - Sep.2024
This month’s contribution comes from a master’s student, Yuna Nakamura, studying in the Department of Plant Ecology. Yuna is interested in reading Japanese literature, gardening and ikebana. Her arrangement (displayed below) was awarded last month the Silver Medal at the 2024 Ikebana Gallery Competition in Melbourne, Australia.
16 September UNESCO – International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
The atmospheric ozone layer protects our planet from harmful ultraviolet radiation (UV), and as long as we live in Japan, we will not be impacted that much. However, the amount of UV falling upon Australia, the country located directly under the ozone hole, is about five times that of Japan, and people must apply sunscreens and wear sunglasses from a young age. Unfortunately, the ozone hole has been caused by humans because of freon gases used in almost all technologies. Fifty years ago, people thought chlorofluorocarbons were ideal coolants and aerosol propellants. They did not know its harmful effects on the environment. As scientists, we must pay close attention to the impact of the technologies we are using.
The rules are simple: 5-7-5, there is no seasonal reference word (a kigo), but your poem must relate to either biology or the topic of the month, and you are writing in English. ルールは簡単。五・七・五、季語はなくてもよいけれど、生物学かその月の話題に関連した句であること、そして英語で詠むことです。
Therefore, Yuna’s haiku for this month is:
Invisible shield,
guarding life from sun's rays,
ozone's gentle veil.

WORDS to learn this month are:
atmospheric ozone layer - 大気オゾン層, harmful - 有害, ozone hole - オゾンホール, freon gases - フロンガス, aerosol propellants - エアゾール推進剤