Summer Intensive Lecture 2023 - Dr. Florian B. Reyda (SUNY Oneonta)
Summer intensive lectures with Dr. Florian Barton Reyda from the Department of Biology, State University of New York College at Oneonta were held from August 14th to 18th. His research field is Parasitology.
Below are his comments on the lectures in TMU, Japan.
"All of the students were enthusiastic to learn about parasites. They were an easy group to work with. Each one was comfortable with English (of course English skilled varied among students) and, most importantly, each student was comfortable asking questions. That made the experience more interesting and enjoyable for everyone. Students were engaged during discussions, and they also embraced the assigned work in the lab portion, examination of parasites and preparation of drawings. We also had diverse nationalities represented among the students enrolled in the course. The facilities and equipment were also perfectly adequate for running this course."