Biology and Art - April
23 April UNESCO - World Book and Copyright Day
As students, you will read in Japanese and English. Sometimes it won't be easy, but don't give up the challenge. In room 8-246, there is a mini-library. You can borrow biology textbooks and use them during the semester. They are free. Read a lot, read aloud, and celebrate World Book and Copyright Day.
Oil and water don’t mix, but mixing biology and haiku can create an unusual effect. The rules are simple: 5-7-5, there is no seasonal reference word (a kigo), but your poem must relate to either biology or the topic of the month, and you are writing in English. For example, in April we are celebrating books and writing, so the haiku for April is:
Book pages chat with trees
About sumi ink and soot
Carbon's victory
I wrote it; it is not perfect, so challenge me and contribute.
これは私の作品です。完璧ではありませんから、皆さんの方が上手くできるかも?皆さんも作品を送ってください。もし、わからないことがあればElizabethまで (
Creativity in science is paramount. Your experiments must be unambiguous, while ikebana relies on ambiguity. Your experiments must be reproducible, but ikebana doesn't, yet both demand precision. Share your talents with fellow students. You are invited.

WORDS to learn this month are:
paramount (他より大事な), unambiguous (明確な), ambiguity (曖昧さ), reproducible (再現性), precision (精度).