Biology and Art - May 2023
This month’s contribution comes from Sae Nakanaga, a PhD candidate studying cellular biology and protein degradation. Sae loves singing in a chorus club.
[2 May UNESCO – World Tuna Day]
Tuna is the best-loved fish and a "star" among sushi dishes. Japanese began eating tuna around the Jomon period (about 10,000 years ago), and we currently consume nearly 25% of all tuna caught worldwide. However, catching too many tunas at once creates overfishing; therefore, some species have been temporarily listed as endangered. Bluefin tuna can be cultivated in special fish farms, though. Since they consume a lot of feed and swim night and day to get oxygen, cultivation is difficult. Consider yourself lucky if you can taste a piece of delicious tuna in your sushi or sashimi. 召し上がれ!
マグロは最も愛されている魚で、寿司ネタの中でも "スター "です。日本人は縄文時代(約 1 万年前)からマグロを食べ始め、現在では世界で獲れるマグロの 25%近くを消費しています。しかし、一度にたくさん獲りすぎて乱獲になり、一時的に絶滅危惧種に指定された種もありました。けれども、クロマグロは特別な養殖場で養殖することができます。マグロは餌を大量に食べ、酸素を得るために昼夜を問わず泳ぐので、養殖は難しいのです。お寿司やお刺身で美味しいマグロを食べられたら、ラッキーだと思ってください。Enjoy your meal!
The rules are simple: 5-7-5, there is no seasonal reference word (a kigo), but your poem must relate to either biology or the topic of the month, and you are writing in English.
Therefore, Sae’s haiku for this month is:
tunas always swim
this is their way of living
oxygen delight

WORDS to learn this month are:
currently - 現在, to consume - を消費する, overfishing - 乱獲, temporarily - 一時的に, endangered, 絶滅の危機に瀕している, bluefin tuna - クロマグロ, to cultivate - を栽培・養殖する, consider yourself lucky - 冥利に尽きると思う