Biology and Art - Nov. 2024
This month’s contribution comes from Hiromu Takahashi, a third-year undergraduate student interested in international communication, speaking English and travelling.
19 November UNESCO - World Toilet Day
Did you know that 3.5 billion people worldwide cannot use safe and clean toilets? Did you know that 2.2 billion people lack clean drinking water? That is terrible!
Hygiene refers to an environment free of harmful bacteria, such as E. coli, cholera, or salmonella—pathogens responsible for the deaths of over 400,000 children each year. These alarming facts highlight the importance of creating and maintaining clean environments for people worldwide, and that is why UNESCO's Toilet Day is important, so wash your hands!
The rules are simple: 5-7-5, there is no seasonal reference word (a kigo), but your poem must relate to either biology or the topic of the month, and you are writing in English.
Water flows gently,
Soap dances, washing away—
Clean hands greet the day.

WORDS to learn this month are:
hygiene - 衛生, harmful - 有害な, bacteria - 細菌, cholera - コレラ, salmonella - サルモネラ菌, pathogens - 病原体, to maintain - 維持する